

In Zunil, agricultural production is the basis of subsistence, it is mainly constituted by the cultivation of vegetables. The soil of this area is very fertile, therefore suitable for this kind of crops, farmers exploit it 100%.

The population is expert in intensive vegetable production, they produce up to three crops a year, they markets to other municipalities and the southern coast of the country;
The municipality of Zunil has a local market, where the Most of the population sells basic grains, vegetables and fruits every day.
The wholesale of vegetables is made on the days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday

There is a wide variety of products that are marketed in Zunil such as: onions, radishes, carrots, lettuces and cabbages.

The importance of this point is closely linked to the standards of production quality, since knowing the market to which the product is directed, you can anticipate the management to which it must undergo in terms of preservation and quality, It should be noted that the national sale represents 80%, corresponds to the exporting wholesalers of the municipality of Zunil, which distribute the product mainly to the Republic of El Salvador; The local sales represents 20%, corresponding to local retailers.

Nutritional information
Vegetables are very healthy, because they provide many micronutrients that act synergistically as antioxidants and protect against various diseases chronic, both cardiovascular and cancer, and also help maintain health of the body.

Vegetables are in the second fundamental level of the pyramid of foods. In addition to micronutrients, they provide absorption carbohydrates slow and dietary fiber. They should eat five to six servings of vegetables a day
Onion: It is a very old food, and among its layers it hides numerous nutritional and medicinal properties, it is rich in minerals (calcium, magnesium, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, phosphorus, iodine, nickel, potassium, silicon, zinc, sulfur and bromine); and also in vitamins (A, B, C and E).

Radishes: In addition to being very beneficial for the liver, this vegetable has many properties.

Carrot: It is one of the healthiest foods and that, fortunately, is consumed regularly. Two of its best known properties are the strengthening of the skin and the improvement of eye health.

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