Zunil, a town of Mayan origin that houses
a unique natural wealth, its forest covers an area of 46 square kilometers,
with altitude variations ranging from 1,600 to 3,542 meters of altitude,
characteristic that make it possible to observe in the park very interesting
natural contrasts as it ascends.
Within the Municipal Regional Park, there
are two imposing colossi, the volcanoes: Zunil or Kumuquin as local people know
it, with a height of 3,542 meters above sea level and the Santo Tomas Pecul
volcano, with a height of 3505 meters above the sea level. In both volcanoes
you can do various activities, one of the most fabulous to camp and sunrise summit
one of these colossi and thus be able to observe the rising and the
setting of the sun, the moon and the stars, a magical natural adventure.
The park is also home to great wildlife.
211 specimens have been identified as follows: 35 species of mammals, 155
species of birds and 21 species of amphibians and reptiles. It is important to
mention that the area is home of insect communities, since they play an
important role in the diet of birds.
In the area there are several species that
are in danger of extinction, such as: the solitary eagle (Harpyhaliaetus
solitarius), horned guan (Oreaphasis derbyianus), Quetzal (Pharomachrus
moccino), etc. As well as the existence of endemic species both national and
local, which allows validating the importance of their conservation. The Horned
guan has a very particular and unique characteristic, has a horn attached to
the skull, it is also considered bad in its flights, so they only limit
themselves to make short, not very high planes. It is a bird that is
classified endangered and it is limited
to occupy humid mountain forests in southern Mexico and the Sierra Madre in
The Zunil Municipal Regional Park
forest contains a range of biodiversity and is an area of high value due to the
altitudinal variations and its consequent impact on the different plant associations,
which is why two very rare species can be identified in the park which are: the
Georgian Carnation (Cavendishia guatemalensis) and the Billia (Billia
hipocastanum), one of them endemic and another that due to its ecological
requirements its distributive range is very short.
There are two types of forest which
-a Very humid forest Montano Bajo
Subtropical (Bmh-MBS)
-Montano Bajo Subtropical humid
forest (Bh-MBS)
Within the forest is (the speciao
tree the) Abies guatemalensis - also known as pinabete which is an endemic
specie of the country. The characteristics of the pinabete are unique worldwide
The smell and color creates the perfect Christmas atmosphere.
Aristotle said: "In all things
of nature there is something wonderful."
And what better place than the
wonderful forests of Zunil to to get astonished, relax,
recreate and enjoy.
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